Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why are they making this??

Yes, thats right another Hulk movie. And it looks just as bad as the first one. Perhaps a hair less Shrek
but still..I think some comic adaptations work as films, namely X-men and Batman. But Hulk just is not happening. Shame, as Edward Norton is a pritty cool geezer but I don't know why he decided to take this on.

Before they started making this they said they would stay more in line with the original tv series. But this
looks exactly like the first one. Same huge oversized Hulk. I dont get it. And Hulks nemesis in this looks simply retarded im sorry. Sorta like Spiderman's Sandman lol but a hunchback.

Who knows maybe it will do well for some god knows why reason. Next summer shit or whatever but I sure as
hell ain't gonna be seeing it.

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