Monday, March 17, 2008

Dan the man!

Everyone just seems to have digged the last Bond so much.
Including myself. I must admit I had doubts about our new man when it
was announced. Yes I had out my picket sign and was protesting CRAIG NOT BOND!

Well actually I'm not quite that sad. But he sure did proove everyone wrong. I happend to watch
a documentary on JIM channel yesterday, really the only channel I will watch if I happen to watch telly.
It was a Daniel Craig doc. Most of it was filled up with those boring ass Media analysts telling their view of
"why Daniel is so hot" or "why the press are after daniel" and on and on. Seems like these type of entertainment shows always hav the same format. Some martian looking reporters always kissing ass.

But Daniel definately is the man. I have seen him in only just a few films, Munich and Bond. Thats it. I am not all that familiar with his older days. But the man seems all about quality. You absolutely cannot even compare Pierce Brosnan to Daniel.Pierce was a lame-o. Never was into him. He should just do some more Mrs.Doubtfire's!

They are filming the new Bond, probably as I type away here. it is called Quantum Solace, hope I spelt that right.

Daniel can be my foster uncle anytime!

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