Monday, March 17, 2008

Some of my fave films

Some of my alltime films here which I can just watch a million times over:

Office Space:

Just a great flick. Know most of it by heart. Milton and Lumberg rule!
This is one of those films that you can just watch a million times and its always
funny. They do sell quite a bit of Office Space film memorabilia on the
net. Im really into the little Milton and Lumberg toys..might have to get my swerve on and
order those one day for the office!


Ok, if I had to take one movie to a deset island, and well they happend to have electricity, or a lifetime supply of batteries and dvd player it would have to be this film.
Fantastic line up of actors. Wicked soundtrack and just a perfectly working formula. And well
Micheal Mann, just is the man!

Batman Begins

Batman Begins also has a superb soundtrack by James Newtoon Howard. Excellent soundtrack stuff!
Im much looking forward to The Dark Knight. That looks promising.

I've always been a bit of a Batman
freak, but he just is too damn cool. Not all the super hero's work.I mean Hulk was just so
wack and I can't believe they are making another one now with Edward Norton. That is gonna

Full Metal Jacket

Hey who couldn't love this film. The script is untouchable.
Some brilliant Kubrick for dat azz. This film is yet another one of those that you
almost learn every line. Its just too damn funny. Sgt Hartman is the shit!

"Move it!
I'm gonna rip your balls off so you
cannot contaminate the rest of
the world! I
will motivate you, Private Pyle, if it short-
dicks every cannibal on the Congo!!"

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