Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finally TV worth watching!!!

Thank god someone still knows how to make quality
tv ! I'm only about 5 seasons too late and behind.But better late than never.
Having just completely viewed Season 1 of
The Wire(Thank you V & K for that) I must say I was
very impressed!! Infact I was very hooked. And when it ended I wanted
more!!Noooo don't end!!!

But lucky for me, I still have 4 more
seasons to look forward to.Finally something good on TV!!!

How the mighty have fallen,0,6394025.story?track=mostviewed-storylevel

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Mitä mieltä Olette Jari?

Like oh my god!
Lets ask every single person in Finland what they
think about this, and most likely
they *may* say that "it is a
tragedy", well which it is. But coming
from Jari it has deeper meaning! hu hu!
Go Iltasanomat go!!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


i've said it once, but i'll say it againn
This show is just sooo crap its not even funny.
How did they ever get a budget
to keep a show like this running. I guess perhaps
they count on retards like me watching it..

The only reason i like to wwatch is i keep waiting f
that just maybe..maybe they will see a
ghost and completely shit their pants.
You can tell some of those so called "ghost investigators"
are absolutely shitting themselves on that show.

The funny thing with C.R.A.P.S..errr i mean
T.A.P.S is they more or lesss are trying to debunk
ghost sitings, where as like 95% people dont believe in them anyway.
So I just dont know what the real
point of the show is.Its like a cheaper version of the Blair Witch project.
And everything is always so wonderful to the Micheal Chiklas look-a-like guy.
"Thanks for a wonderful time, you guys are so great, oh did i tell you, you were
wonderful as well???" hehe.

And those poor basterds who have to
watch like 9 hours of frame by frame footage of
video material in the hopes they will "happen" to catch a
ghost just flying by.

And they even have
download desktop material like this!!! Who in their right
mind wants pictures of these 2 studs on their
computer desktop...good lord!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Have no fear Sikhnet is here

and if Sikh music is not your thing
then how about

Here you will find the latest in Turban Fashion!!
Even learn to tie your own!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Who actually clicks on these?

I spend my restless nights
tossing and turning,

who actually clicks on these???
Do they think..that,they are possibly
that "1 lucky person in a million" type of thing??

you know you want to!

tropic thunder

This will prolly just end up being another
retarded Ben Stiller show
but the Robert Downey Jr negro thing is just too damn
funny.."you people" LOL >>>>>

Dedicated to my man J.Kuikka

Classic beats that should not be forgotten..may they never rest in peace!


classic UK& US Hiphop,back from the day.. timeless tunes!!!!
Download my just under 1 hour 128kb selection from Sendspace
from any of the below sendspace links, incase some are slow
or being sucked in by millions
around the globe.

Pump it up!

Friday, April 11, 2008

This could happen to you!

Everytime I shop at Siwa I feel
like a time bomb waiting to go off!


Now, correct me if im wrong,mbutis this guy a race car driver or a
Hugo Boss/ Abercrombie &Fitch model haha


"My job is to drive as fast as i can""

"i Am constantly pushing to get more out of myself"

Yeah so am i when i take a shit after eating
too much.

Hmmmm looks famialir..where have i seen this

What's´wrong with this invention?

3 guess's
first one don't count!

Monday, April 7, 2008

One desire

The women, they just go crazy for
him. His name his Nicholas, but you can call him Nick,
or Nee-Ko-Las-Ka-ge.

Thank god Eve made me cut my hair in time, otherwise I think
I would have looked just like this guy..
I actually thought this film would be
a story about Nick turning himself into
ladyboy..but it wasent. Too bad. Nick you suck.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Stockholm sure has changed

Our weekend trip over to Stockholm.Well thanks
to good company, ate well, but shopping just wasent very successful.
Shopping wasn't our main goal but always nice to pick up a little
something. But the idea was just to see Stockholm. I felt it sure had

The price difference compared to Helsinki was pathetic.. I mean I used
to come outa that country back in the day with
arms full of cool stuff and fairly priced. Now seems like on every
corner there is an H&M or TopShop and just even for very
basic stuff its way more pricey than in Helsinki..

Also just the general "what are trendy-in fashion now" things
are just so rubbish...couldnt find hardly
anything I wanted.

I sure hope Topman doesnt come to Finland. Its the exact samme
shit H&M sells... Same cheap quality that all of those mass production places are doing
these days and over charging for it too.

It still is a beautiful city though, weather alwayss
seems to be better than our sad typical Finnish weather this time of

My feel of Stockholm after spending just only a few hours on the busy
shopping streets was that the design in Stockholm can feel a bit too trend-dependent,
with everyone desperately following in the tracks of what catches on or heh what might
not,just seems a bit too pretencious.
For example one damn trend which I dont exactly know why it had to
catch on was these damn terrorist scarfs uughhh >>>

Yes they have also made it to Finland tooo sadly.

Nothing wrong with looking good but
people gotta loosen up a hair there as now it feels
like one big fashion runway

Shopping wise, Sure wont be Stockholm again anytime soon.
Munich was great, and well
Asia rocks!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fortune & glory

Ok..this is not the pyramid scheme..i think this guy is really onto something!

Way to go Tom!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New Hulk in trouble too??

A scooper at Superhero Hype caught a glimpse of First Look footage of
the film and lived to tell about it, saying "pretty much the entire
trailer was cut in, [director Louis] Leterrier did a lot of talking
about how he liked the fugitive aspect from the TV series (of which
there were a few clips). Blonsky talked, said something to the effect
that the Hulk was something really crazy... There was a shot of stunt
men throwing around, Roth in cables on some falling platform. Ed running
from a few new shots."

However, we got an email (on Monday, so theoretically it's not a prank,
and sounds like other news we've heard) from a source that wished to
remain anonymous, saying, "Apparently things aren't going too well on
the project. There have been five different cuts of the film and Edward
Norton was removed from the editing bay last month and is threatening to
refuse to do any publicity for the film. The main problem seems to be
regarding the prologue of the film. It's not really a sequel, but it's
not an origin story either so they cannot come up with an agreeable way
on how to tell new audiences who Banner/Hulk is and why he is on the run
from the military. One cool thing that he did say about the film is that
at the very end Tony Stark appears and there is a scene about forming a
new organization. That sure sounds like a setup for 'The Avengers.'"
Thanks for the scoop