Saturday, April 19, 2008


i've said it once, but i'll say it againn
This show is just sooo crap its not even funny.
How did they ever get a budget
to keep a show like this running. I guess perhaps
they count on retards like me watching it..

The only reason i like to wwatch is i keep waiting f
that just maybe..maybe they will see a
ghost and completely shit their pants.
You can tell some of those so called "ghost investigators"
are absolutely shitting themselves on that show.

The funny thing with C.R.A.P.S..errr i mean
T.A.P.S is they more or lesss are trying to debunk
ghost sitings, where as like 95% people dont believe in them anyway.
So I just dont know what the real
point of the show is.Its like a cheaper version of the Blair Witch project.
And everything is always so wonderful to the Micheal Chiklas look-a-like guy.
"Thanks for a wonderful time, you guys are so great, oh did i tell you, you were
wonderful as well???" hehe.

And those poor basterds who have to
watch like 9 hours of frame by frame footage of
video material in the hopes they will "happen" to catch a
ghost just flying by.

And they even have
download desktop material like this!!! Who in their right
mind wants pictures of these 2 studs on their
computer desktop...good lord!

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